Confused about what to choose ,simply pick black. 

there is a huge conversation about psychlogy of colors, red, green, orange and blue are the power packs of market world. Primary colors are the most attention seekingvisual stimulus. There is a lot of research on Color Psyhclogy .Suppose that you are going for a job interview your first date or your first day in a university class. You want a warm, welcoming impression about yourself.You are reluctatnt to use bold hues and colors in your appearence, You want to look classy and elegant. Black is something that is always a safe choice for a lot more occassions. Most of us have already exprienced it and we all have black outfits as a must have item  in our closets.Now if we look further into color psychlogy the main prespctive involved in black being simple yet catchy.Interestingly, black color is a combination of red,yellow, and blue. So this color is a complete package to absorb different vibrations from people and neutralize their impact on our psychic energy. Black have the charectrisctic of main colors with upholding its own distinct feathures. 

in a study by Kurt & Osueke(2014) dipicted that Black was not in least favorite color(only 1)% but at the same time black was not in most favorite color only 3% . In another similiar findingnby Linhartova ,Tapal, Brabenes and Macecek(2013) .The influce of black colored clothing and situationaly context on impression formation was observed. The findings suggested that men percive to be more agressive when they wear black color.The women wearing black is percived by female subjects as more respectable as compared to women wearing light color clothing.