5 ways to feel good about your self


It is not a compassionate Love that will stimulate your sense of positivity about yourself.

Its acceptance and balance in your life that you can start your journey to fulfilment.

Here are a few exercises through which we can make a better image of ourselves.

wellness by farah
  1. Interrupt your thinking to break the cycle of negative emotions

When we are criticizing ourselves, we need to give pause to ourselves and rethink, why am I so harsh to myself. Dr Morea says” to be able to do anything good for ourselves we need to calm down our mind and body first.

Deep breathing, calming podcasts, or anything like meditation can help refocus on regulating your breathing.

Once we give ourselves one or few minutes, to halt our negative thoughts, we can challenge our feelings by looking more clearly at the facts.


  • What thoughts and emotions came to your mind.
  • Are your emotions based on facts or feelings?
  • What can be the alternative thoughts that indulge self-love.


2. Use of Grounding Techniques

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These are the techniques that help us stay and focus on the present moment.

These techniques are meant to reign our racing thoughts so that we can focus more on the present. It includes all the five senses, but the best one is visual, to be visually present and looking, observing and concentrating on the details around us.


  • Pick your favourite colour.
  • Go around the room and then count 5-10 objects of that colour in the room.
  • Say out the names of those things loud.


The rationale of this exercise is to get yourself out of what’s going on in your mind and forces you to think about where you are now and bring you back to the present moment.

if you are stuck in a social media comparison loop, obsessing over something, you can use this technique to set it as a mental exercise to understand what has triggered you. 

  • think that what emotion did you feel.
  • Is it based on facts or emotion?
  • How can you reframe your thinking in a better less negative way?

3. Focus on something your body can do

We need to be a bit compassionate and patient with ourselves. We need to remind ourselves that we can accomplish whatever we have set in our minds.


Skill building

  •  Skill building is helpful in those moments when we need a boast our self-esteem or feels good about ourselves. Skill building is an ambarella term which means that we can learn about different things that can facilitate us to achieve our goal. We can be more self-efficient and as a result, feel better about ourselves.
  • Pick up a new hobby or you can restart something that you enjoyed but left for some time.
  • Remind yourself that you can set a timeline to learn something you wanted to do. It will help reframe the time and skill.
  • Much needed is to know that you will see setbacks, but still, you can achieve great things. 

4. keep reminding yourself about the good things that you have got going on in your life.

Most of us, focus on one thing that we have put under heavy burden and scrutiny of our self-esteem, when we get a bit of setback in that small area that we have developed sensitivity to, our self-worth becomes conditionally attached to it.

We rarely think about divergent ways that can provide us with lenses through which we can see diversity and multiplexity in our life.

Spreading your eggs, into multiple baskets can help you save your dreams and ego from falling apart. in that case, if one area is not going well, we can tap another one, as we have multiple choices to consider for ourselves, we can see which area of us can grow well, and what area in our life is not compatible enough so that we need to rethink about.

  • Start writing down positive affirmations or positive notes about yourself and leave them by sticking notes on the mirror or any place you see throughout your day.

It will serve you to know what the good thing is going, on when you need to jog your memory the most.

5. know what you can change and what you cannot change

There are many things in our lives destined to be out of our reach, but we keep on pursueing them even if we clearly know that we will not get anything good in the end. We invest our energies on people, careers, aspirations that are nothing more than a draining machine for our spirit. we are unable to change them. We cannot manipulate certain things. There are areas in our life that we can groom and grow. Here is the smart choice of what we need to invest our energies. 

If we are giving too much of our energies into things, we are unable to change we will only get regrets and drain our potential. 

Write and reflect, on what is feasibly possible for you. If your answer is you cannot change it, then accept it, the sooner the better. 

for example, you cannot change your appearance altogether or the shape and texture of your body and skin, but you can achieve good health and a healthy lifestyle. You can buy clothes that fit your body more smoothly. 

These are tangible things because you can resolve them.




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